6 tips to help students succeed in online classes
Online Classes

Tips to be successful in online classes

November 25, 2020

With the new reality of remote learning, it is normal to be confused and have difficulty targeting priorities. Also, in today's digital world, this is something we need to adapt to. That's why learning to manage your study time not only helps you become more efficient but also reduces the stress and anxiety associated with a lack of productivity. 


To make sure you are comfortable and efficient when you study, here are a few tips to maximize the ergonomics of your study space. 


1. Have a dedicated workspace 

To succeed in your online courses, it is recommended that you designate a workspace that will serve only this purpose. Set yourself up where you won't be disturbed. By taking the time to set up your workspace, you’ll feel motivated and prepared. 


A comfortable chair, a monitor stand or riser, a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse (if you're working on a laptop), a houseplant, a chart highlighting your important deadlines... Customize your dedicated workspace and make it your own. 


Having a workspace that is dedicated to your distance learning will allow you to stay productive and focused. 


2. Be prepared 

To be effective in your online training, ensure you have access to high-speed internet. Nobody wants to have a slow connection, but especially not when your tutor is explaining a difficult concept!  


Be sure to have the right software ready for use. LaSalle College Istanbul's virtual classes use the Teams platform, which you can install in advance. Ask assistance from your Student Affairs Advisor if you have difficulty. 

dances on TikTok, or that new show on Netflix; you wouldn't be tempted by these in class, so don't let them be an issue at home. Put your phone on airplane mode to avoid the distraction of notifications. 


4. Maintain a fixed schedule 

Maintaining a fixed schedule will help you get into work mode more quickly, and it will be more difficult for you to procrastinate on your studies. 


Organize your week and set aside blocks of time for the study that are set in advance. This will make it harder for you to skip them to play online games! 


Keeping a certain structure is critical to keeping morale and productivity high through the COVID-19 crisis. 


5. Pretend you're going to school 

It's very tempting to attend classes in your pajamas! But motivation can take a hit if you always stay in the "lazy" mode. In the morning, dress and do your hair as if you were going to school. 


This will make it easier to concentrate and be productive. The key is to take your online courses as seriously as you take your face-to-face classes. 


6. Active participation 

If you don't understand a concept, don't hesitate to ask your tutor. Because when you aren't seating in the same room, it can be difficult for them to gauge your level of comprehension. 


Your tutors will also be available outside of class time to answer your questions via email. Take responsibility for your learning! 





You’ll see that the team spirit can flourish, even from a distance! The distance learning experience becomes more dynamic for all.